日本で医薬品としてのCBD使用が可能に – 改正大麻取締法可決 | HealthyTOKYO

Ensuring Quality and Compliance with the Cannabis Reform Act

A message from HealthyTOKYO’s founder:

Dear Valued HealthyTOKYO Customer,

Today, the basic details of the upcoming implementation of the Japan Cannabis Reform Act were released. The changes to the law will be implemented on December 12, 2024, and we want to reassure you that HealthyTOKYO remains committed to being Japan’s CBD Pioneer, leading the industry with our dedication to quality and compliance.

The new regulations will introduce even stricter limits on THC content, with raw materials and CBD oils restricted to 10 parts per million (10 ppm, 10 mg/kg, 0.001%) and edibles and other products limited to 1 ppm (0.1 ppm, 0.1 mg/kg, 0.00001%). We want to assure you that HealthyTOKYO has always adhered to rigorous standards, and we are fully prepared to meet these enhanced requirements.

Our products have always been crafted with meticulous care, using only the finest ingredients to ensure purity and effectiveness. With these upcoming changes, we will continue to uphold these high standards, ensuring that every item you receive from us meets the strictest benchmarks of quality and safety.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in HealthyTOKYO. As we positively navigate these regulatory changes, our promise remains steadfast: to deliver natural, organic, and vegan CBD products that you can rely on.

Warm regards,

Michael Bobrove
Founder and CEO 

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