CBD for Pets

CBD Oil for Pets: Hemp Relief for Cats & Dogs through Pet CBD Oil Essentials

Does CBD oil for pets work the same as for humans? Previous HealthyTOKYO articles have discussed the benefits of CBD and its potential uses in alleviating the symptoms of diseases such as epilepsy and depression. However, you may not be aware that CBD oil for pets is also a rising trend with similar benefits for our furry friends. Traverse with us through the fascinating details of Pet CBD Oil essentials and discover how it can elevate your pet’s well-being unprecedentedly.

CBD for Dogs

How Safe is CBD for Dogs? Understand the Essentials for Your Pet

Dog owners will do anything to make sure their pups are comfortable and healthy, so it’s no surprise that the use of CBD for dogs has increased in popularity.
While CBD (cannabidiol), a therapeutic compound found in cannabis, has a good safety profile and few side effects for humans, it’s important to know the facts before giving your dog CBD. After all, chocolate and other human-friendly substances can be lethal to dogs while bringing joy to humans.
Fortunately, CBD is safe for dogs and can help alleviate several conditions for our furry friends. Understanding how safe CBD is for dogs and the proper ways to use it is crucial for success in improving your dog’s quality of life.

CBD for Cats

CBD for Cats – Safety, Dosage, and all the potential Benefits

Many readers are asking if CBD for cats is equally effective as with dogs and humans. As a rising trend to relieve a wide range of conditions in both humans and dogs, CBD is rapidly gaining mainstream popularity. This article will explore the use of CBD for our feline friends.

CBD for Dogs

CBD Oil for Dogs – CBD oil, Treatments and Safety for your dog and pet

Scientific research on the effects of CBD oil on dogs is still in its early stages. However, there is a wide range of anecdotal testimonials from dog owners suggesting CBD oil for dogs can help treat a wide range of conditions, as in humans. This is supported by preliminary results from veterinary clinical studies on dogs. In fact, a study in the Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior Journal found that CBD binds to endocannabinoid receptors “for a longer duration in dogs”. This suggests the response to CBD in dogs may even be longer-lasting than in humans.

cbd for cats in japan

CBD for Cats in Japan – A Testimonial from Mr. Handsome

Does CBD for cats in Japan really work? We received an unsolicited testimonial from Eugene in Tokyo whose cat, Mr. Handsome, has reportedly become a less anxious and more affectionate feline after taking CBD oil especially formulated for cats he purchased at HealthyTOKYO. We think this is a “purrfect” example of the testimonials we receive from our customers and wanted to share it. Here is Eugene’s testimonial for Mr. Handsome.