Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound sourced from the cannabis plant. It is classified as a food in Japan. Overseas It has been lauded for its multiplicity of uses towards potential positive health benefits such as relieving pain, stress, and anxiety, the ability to stop certain kinds of epilepsy, effectiveness in treating Parkinson’s disease symptoms, and much more. CBD is one of about 120 cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. It is not psychoactive and does not cause a high. CBD is often mixed with a carrier oil such as coconut or hemp seed oil to produce an oil which is easy to consume. CBD oil is often consumed alone or mixed with food or drink. It is also added to cosmetics and creams and available in a growing number of prepared foods, gummies, cookies and more.
HealthyTOKYO cannot make claims about what CBD can or cannot do for you. There is mounting clinical evidence available on the internet as well as customer testimonials about the benefits of CBD in sleep, pain control, anti-inflammatory applications, stress control and others. Please consult with a medical professional if you have questions. We publish many articles about CBD on our blog based on data available from various studies around the world and professional sources. You can view our CBD blog here.
Yes, CBD oil is legal in Japan if produced and imported properly. CBD oil in Japan is subject to strict regulation regarding how it is made , what it contains and how it is imported. According to current laws, CBD products must only be produced from stalk and seed. Most CBD products sold overseas are made from the whole plant. Unlike in other countries where a small amount of THC is allowed (often 0.2% or 0.3%), Japan strictly prohibits THC and products sold properly in Japan must be third party tested to provide evidence of 0.00% THC. It is highly risky to bring CBD from overseas even if they may claim that they do not contain THC. We are a pioneer in the Japanese industry and have been legally offering CBD products since 2016.
Our CBD is legally imported, produced and sold in Japan. You can carry your CBD anywhere in Japan.
In general there are three types of CBD available:
- Broad Spectrum CBD Oil – This is the oil extracted from the hemp plant and prepared so that it does not contain any detectable THC (the substance in marijuana that can cause a euphoric effect). It does contain other nutritional cannibinoids and terpenes (useful substances in hemp and other botanicals). Broad Spectrum CBD oil, when properly prepared and imported, is legal in Japan. HealthyTOKYO uses broad spectrum CBD oil in all of our branded tinctures.
- CBD Isolate – This is an extraction of pure CBD powder processed from CBD oil. It does not contain any of the other nutritional cannibinoids or terpenes (useful substances in hemp and other botanicals) from the hemp plant. it also does not contain any detectable THC (the substance in marijuana that can cause a euphoric effect). CBD Isolate, when properly prepared and imported, is legal in Japan. Some professional athletes prefer CBD isolate over broad spectrum products.
- Full Spectrum Oil – This is the oil directly pressed from the hemp plant and contains all of the cannabinoids in the original hemp plant. This oil is not legal in Japan as it does contain various levels of THC, the substance in marijuana that can cause a euphoric effect.
USA and Europe
We use only CO2 extracted broad-spectrum CBD oil in our HealthyTOKYO tinctures to provide all of the useful cannabinoids and terpenes not found in CBD isolates. CBD isolate is used in some cosmetic products and other products available on our website.
Yes, we have gathered a lot of information which is supported by clinical and preclinical studies outside of Japan. Please see our blog articles about CBD.