CBD for Cancer

CBD Oil for Cancer – Symptoms of Cancer Treatment

The idea of taking a supplement to combat something as serious as cancer may seem farfetched. However, studies concerning the efficacy of cannabinoids like CBD oil for cancer have been going on for quite some time already and have produced some intriguing results. With the evidence piling up regarding CBD’s application for treating epilepsy and other maladies, looking into using CBD oil for cancer should be seriously considered. In today’s article on CBD, we will be taking a look into the evidence thus far concerning CBD oil for cancer. 

What is CBD?

As discussed in previous articles, CBD is one of the many cannabinoids found in the Cannabis Sativa L. plant. CBD oil is made by extracting CBD and combining it with a carrier oil, such as hemp seed oil or coconut oil. It has a plethora of reported health benefits from relieving anxiety and depression, to stopping certain types of epilepsy in their tracks. For more on CBD in general, please check out the various other HealthyTOKYO articles about CBD.

What is Cancer?

Statistics provided by The American Society for Cancer in 2018 report that US Males have a 39% chance of developing cancer at some point in their life, while females have a slightly lower chance with a 37% likelihood, meaning that about one in three people is likely to develop some form of cancer in their lifetime. With such a high ratio of the population affected by cancer, its danger is common knowledge. But what exactly is it and how does it work?
Cancer comes in many varieties, but in essence, cancerous cells are those that divide uncontrollably without stopping. These cells can spread into the surrounding area, inhibit normal body functions, and waste resources.

To really understand cancer, first we need to look at the basic functions and behavior of cells in general. In order to sustain life in the body, cells need to reproduce, which allows an organism to grow, develop, heal, and replace old cells. These processes are performed by one cell dividing into two, in a process known as mitosis.
When a cell divides, it makes an exact copy of itself containing the information (DNA) necessary to perform its cellular function and keep the body operating smoothly. When one cell becomes old or damaged, a new cell is created to take the place of that cell, however, some old or damaged cells are not so easily replaced.

Simply put, cancer is a byproduct of cell division gone wrong, wherein those old or damaged cells remain after they should have died. These cells continue to multiply unchecked and eventually increase to the point of forming growths known as tumors.
Cancer cells are truly terrifying, as they have the ability to influence surrounding cells in order to gain oxygen and a supply of nutrients, while also remaining hidden from the immune system, which would usually try to remove these mutinous cells.

CBD Oil for Cancer

So, how does CBD factor into the cancer equation? CBD is already a widely accepted method to relieve the negative side effects of cancer chemotherapy, such as pain, nausea, and loss of appetite. Indeed, medical marijuana prescriptions for this purpose are popular.

One of the more amazing claims about CBD is that it reportedly also has anti-tumor properties. Preclinical research suggests that cannabinoids such as CBD may potentially inhibit cancer cell growth with this anti-tumor effect. CBD may even be able to kill a variety of types of cancer cells, such as those found in the lungs, thyroid, pancreas, uterus, breast, prostate, and colon.

A preclinical study on mice in the 1970s showed that cannabinoids had the ability to limit tumor growth in lung adenocarcinoma, a type of cancerous tumor. Further research showed that cannabinoids induced apoptosis, a form of cell death, in cancer cells. However, some research produced paradoxical results where small doses of cannabinoids actually increased cancer cell growth in vitro (otherwise known as “test tube studies”).


The above notwithstanding, research is still in the early stages of providing evidence regarding the use of cannabinoids like CBD to combat cancer cells. However, with its emerging suggestive properties and the ever-increasing interest in the field, it’s good news for the continued research on the potential of using CBD oil for cancer. If you have any questions about CBD or health-related matters in general, please make use of the site chat feature located on the bottom right of the webpage.

Before you go, just remember:

●  Statistically, one in three people will develop cancer in their lifetime

● Cancer is the uncontrolled division of damaged or old cells 

● CBD has been shown to combat the negative side effects of chemotherapy like nausea and vomiting.

● In larger doses, cannabinoids like CBD have shown promise in causing cell death in cancerous tumors

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